Newbie Vegan – Relying on Convenience and Packaged Foods During a Super Busy Work Week

“If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.” -William Edward Hickson

Wow, what a week! To say this week has been hard would be an understatement; this has been the week from hell. As they say: “When it rains, it pours.” Today marks day 22 that I have been eating this vegan diet.


On day 17 I allowed myself my first cheat day. Let’s just say I indulged. I had a chocolate shake with whipped cream, as well as a fast food cheeseburger after not eating almost the entire day. Then, the following two days I experienced massive heart burn and nausea as well as cravings for anything unhealthy under the sun.

So besides the PTSD I am still facing from that cheeseburger, why has this been the week from hell? Well, in the restaurant business you never know week-to-week what to expect. We are normally a four-manager store, but unfortunately we are short one manager and running a food chain during graduation season with only three managers. Let’s just say this has left me VERY little time to prepare food, let alone give a second thought to what I’m grabbing as I run out the door everyday.

I have been eating some healthy options like KIND Fruit & Nut Bar and Genisoy Chocolate Soy Protein Shake, which are easy to eat quickly and on-the-go. 

Newbie Vegan – Relying on Convenience and Packaged Foods During a Super Busy Work WeekNewbie Vegan – Relying on Convenience and Packaged Foods During a Super Busy Work Week

I have also learned to get creative with the recourses I have at the restaurant, along with some easy grab-and-go foods from home. Yesterday, the only things I packed were a can of Simple Truth black beans and a bag of frozen red grain jasmine rice that I picked up from Trader Joe’s. I sautéed them with some broccoli and squash from work and added some yummy miso sauce on top! This is basically how my week has gone down: packaged, easy foods as well as some vegan comfort foods. 


I made a delicious grilled cheese with Daiya cheese and Earth Balance vegan butter, then ate it with tomato soup. 


Mmmm, comfort food!


And thank goodness for the great snacks I get every month from the Vegan Cuts snack box!


After having a busy work week while trying to eat a vegan diet. I would advise others to take it one day at a time, and remember: we all fail. Don’t let small lost battles defeat you. Tomorrow is a new day!

“If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.” -William Edward Hickson

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